The Biggest Online Blackjack Casino! If you love blackjack: You have come to the right place! Wild Jack is the site for online blackjack.
At Wild Jack Online Casino, blackjack is our specialty. We offer more than 40 different online blackjack games. Some are popular favorites, such as Classic Blackjack, Atlantic City Blackjack, and European Blackjack. Bonus Blackjack took the old Black Jack bonus rule and made it five times better, paying an unbelievable 50-to-1 for an Ace and Jack of spades. We also have some unusual blackjack variations that you have probably never played before but that you just might enjoy, including Double Exposure Blackjack, Pontoon Gold, and Spanish Blackjack.
Established: 2005
Contact Support: 1-888-328-3619
License Authority: Kahnawake
Software: Microgaming |
In Directory Tags: online casino, wild jack